Carrboro Family Garden
The Orange County Partnership for Young Children started a community garden for families with young children in Carrboro in 2008. The Growing Healthy Kids garden was initially supported with funding from the N.C. Health and Wellness Trust Fund and then the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The Town of Carrboro provides the land at the Martin Luther King Jr. Park on Hillsborough Road. The name has been changed to the Carrboro Family Garden and members of the garden are now in charge of garden management and should be contacted directly for more information at:
Promoting Access to Fresh Food and A Healthy Community
Young children and families are enjoying the fruits of their labor at the Carrboro Family Garden located in Carrboro. The community garden has helped a multitude of families grow their own fresh fruits and vegetables for more than 10 years. Local children and their families are learning the benefits of better nutrition, outdoor activity, and quality family time. OCPYC continues to encourage fresh food for young children through our involvement in the Farm to Preschool Network, the Farm to Early Care and Education collaboration and by promoting the establishment of gardens and consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables at child care centers in Orange County through the Growing Up Healthy project.
Come enjoy friendship and fresh produce. Sign up today!
The mission of the Carrboro Family Garden is to provide space, resources and education for families with children to garden organically, promote healthy eating, encourage sustainable living and cultivate community.
The goal for the Carrboro Family Garden is to educate and assist families with young children to learn to grow their own vegetables and, in the process, for children to learn where food comes from and for families to have greater access to fresh food. Each family tends their own 10×10 square foot garden parcel. Supplies and materials, tools, seeds, plants and fertilizer are provided as well as handouts and classes in gardening basics. Each family is asked to make a small contribution to help support the cost of supplies. Garden members are also asked to contribute time and effort to group workdays and maintenance of the communal garden spaces, compost area and storage sheds. The only requirement is that a family has at least one child living at home age 18 or younger.
WANT TO GET INVOLVED? There are 34 family parcels available through the Carrboro Family Garden. Interested families should contact the garden at to find out if there is an available plot and request an application.
- Eat Smart Move More North Carolina
- Kids Gardening
- NC State Cooperative Extension: Orange County
- Kids Health
- Growing Minds, the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project Farm to School program
- National Farm to School Network
- NC Community Garden Partners