

We work with community partners to leverage connections and achieve maximum impact on the systems that affect young children in Orange County.

OCPYC hosts the Orange County Campaign for Grade-Level Reading, which is working to ensure reading proficiency by the end of third grade for all children, a key predictor of school success.  More than 45 people, representing parents, community members, and 21 cross-sector organizations and agencies, have participated in developing action and implementation plans.  In early 2018, the campaign received official designation as part of the National Campaign for Grade-Level Reading Network.

OCPYC also hosts Making Connections: Orange County Comprehensive Early Childhood Initiative, a collaboration of eight early childhood, educational and financial literacy, mental health, and violence prevention organizations.  This initiative provides coordinated and comprehensive services to low income children ages birth to five years, their families, and the child care professionals who serve them.

OCPYC is a partner in the Family Success Alliance, a cradle-to-career initiative based in the Orange County Health Department that seeks to close the achievement gap and end generational poverty in Orange County.

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