Our Programs
Early Childhood Education
- Improve the quality of early care and education services
- Ensure access to child care for low-income working families.
To learn more, click here.
Child Health and Early Intervention
- Enhance early interventions services for children at risk for developmental delays or disabilities.
- Ensure the physical and mental health of young children.
To learn more, click here.
Family Support
- Enhance the abilities of families to care for their children.
- Ensure that children are safe from abuse neglect and injury.
To learn more, click here.
NC Pre-K
- Is designed to provide at-risk four-year-old children with an opportunity for quality preschool education
- Serves 252 children
- Children attend a 6 hr. school-day, 10-month school-year program which gives them access to a curriculum based preschool experience to enhance school readiness.